The Containerized Mobile Quarantine Hospital System

The system may be assembled in different combinations, and can be extended to include tents or special containers for rehabilitation, living quarters, logistic support etc.

The Norwegian Civil Aviation Authority has approved the unit for air transportation.


All containers are made from steel with a 5cm. non-flammable insulation. The interior walls are covered in aluminum, having taken into consideration UVC radiation and O3 deactivation. All interior equipment is attached to the floor, ceiling or walls for safe transportation by air.


View from the Container system control room
Connection of the containers is done by truck. The units are hooked together by a patented locking mechanism. Using quick couplings connects transmission cables between the containers. These contain water hoses with protection against freezing temperatures, high-pressure air, breathing air, oxygen, signal cables and 22o V, 3-phase.

All doors contain automatic pressure valves to control over- and under-pressure, respectively.
All units meet the demands for external NBC protection, and in addition satisfy all demands when treating patients with highly pathogenic agents in internally contaminated areas.

  View into the patient treatment room
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Mailandvn. 12, P.O. Box 404, 1470 Loerenskog, Norway
Phone: +47 67 92 76 00, Fax: +47 67 92 76 91
E-mail: post@normeca.no